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Flag of Burundi Republic of Burundi Google Maps and Facts

Welcome to the Google Maps of Burundi (BI) and the comprehensive location list for this country. World Route Planner, together with its detailed Burundi page, turns Google Maps Sightseeing into a meaningful experience! Our extensive destination gazetteer, coupled with Driving Directions to Burundi, allows you to explore Burundi through detailed satellite imagery and street views—fast, free, and easier than ever before.

Browse through the list of administrative regions in Burundi, navigate through these regions to find a place of interest, and book your hotel with the Best Price Guarantee! Your journey through Burundi via Google Satellite Map Sightseeing and Street View starts here.

Burundi Google Maps

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Facts about Burundi

Administrative divisions: 17 provinces; Bubanza , Bujumbura Mairie , Bujumbura Rurale , Bururi , Cankuzo , Cibitoke , Gitega , Karuzi , Kayanza , Kirundo , Makamba , Muramvya , Muyinga , Mwaro , Ngozi , Rutana , Ruyigi
Area: total: 27 ,830 sq km land: 25 ,650 sq km water: 2 ,180 sq km
Background: Burundi's first democratically elected president was assassinated in October 1993 after only 100 days in office , triggering widespread ethnic violence between Hutu and Tutsi factions. More than 200 ,000 Burundians perished during the conflict that spanned almost a dozen years. Hundreds of thousands of Burundians were internally displaced or became refugees in neighboring countries. An internationally brokered power-sharing agreement between the Tutsi-dominated government and the Hutu rebels in 2003 paved the way for a transition process that led to an integrated defense force , established a new constitution in 2005 , and elected a majority Hutu government in 2005. The new government , led by President Pierre NKURUNZIZA , signed a South African brokered ceasefire with the country's last rebel group in September of 2006 but still faces many challenges.
Flag description: divided by a white diagonal cross into red panels (top and bottom) and green panels (hoist side and fly side) with a white disk superimposed at the center bearing three red six-pointed stars outlined in green arranged in a triangular design (one star above , two stars below)
Capital: name: Bujumbura geographic coordinates: 3 22 S , 29 21 E time difference: UTC+2 (7 hours ahead of Washington , DC during Standard Time)
Climate: equatorial; high plateau with considerable altitude variation (772 m to 2 ,670 m above sea level); average annual temperature varies with altitude from 23 to 17 degrees centigrade but is generally moderate as the average altitude is about 1 ,700 m; average annual rainfall is about 150 cm; two wet seasons (February to May and September to November) , and two dry seasons (June to August and December to January)
Currency code: Burundi franc (BIF)
Ethnic groups: Hutu (Bantu) 85% , Tutsi (Hamitic) 14% , Twa (Pygmy) 1% , Europeans 3 ,000 , South Asians 2 ,000
Geographic coordinates: 3 30 S , 30 00 E
Geography note: landlocked; straddles crest of the Nile-Congo watershed; the Kagera , which drains into Lake Victoria , is the most remote headstream of the White Nile
Government type: republic
Imports partners: Saudi Arabia 16.2% , Kenya 10.9% , Belgium 8.3% , France 5.8% , Uganda 5.2% , Germany 5.2% , India 4.6% , Russia 4.4% , Pakistan 4% (2007)
Internet country code: .bi
Land boundaries: 0 km (landlocked)
Neighbouring countries: total: 974 km border countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo 233 km , Rwanda 290 km , Tanzania 451 km
Languages: Kirundi (official) , French (official) , Swahili (along Lake Tanganyika and in the Bujumbura area)
Location: Central Africa , east of Democratic Republic of the Congo
Map references: Africa
National holiday: Independence Day , 1 July (1962)
Nationality: noun: Burundian(s) adjective: Burundian
Natural hazards: flooding , landslides , drought
Population: 8 ,691 ,005 note: estimates for this country explicitly take into account the effects of excess mortality due to AIDS; this can result in lower life expectancy , higher infant mortality , higher death rates , lower population growth rates , and changes in the distribution of population by age and sex than would otherwise be expected (July 2008 est.)
Religions: Christian 67% (Roman Catholic 62% , Protestant 5%) , indigenous beliefs 23% , Muslim 10%
Terrain: hilly and mountainous , dropping to a plateau in east , some plains
Unemployment rate: NA%

Capital of Republic of Burundi

Bujumbura (click to view Bujumbura map)

Places in Burundi

Browse the most comprehensive and up-to-date online directory of administrative regions and Street Views in Burundi. Our listings are organized alphabetically, starting from level 1 regions and progressing through to level 2 and eventually level 3 regions, ensuring you can easily navigate and find specific areas of interest.

Province de Bujumbura (95 google map locations)
Province of Bubanza (52 google map locations)
Province of Bururi (234 google map locations)
Province of Cankuzo (124 google map locations)
Province of Cibitoke (73 google map locations)
Province of Gitega (226 google map locations)
Province of Karuzi (128 google map locations)
Province of Kayanza (99 google map locations)
Province of Kirundo (133 google map locations)
Province of Makamba (105 google map locations)
Province of Muramvya (152 google map locations)
Province of Muyinga (158 google map locations)
Province of Mwaro city Google map
Province of Ngozi (115 google map locations)
Province of Rutana (125 google map locations)
Province of Ruyigi (203 google map locations)

Random cities in Burundi

Bujumbura, the capital city of Burundi.

Link to Burundi Google Maps page

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