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Flag of West Bank West Bank Google Maps and Facts

Welcome to the Google Maps of West Bank (PS) and the comprehensive location list for this country. World Route Planner, together with its detailed West Bank page, turns Google Maps Sightseeing into a meaningful experience! Our extensive destination gazetteer, coupled with Driving Directions to West Bank, allows you to explore West Bank through detailed satellite imagery and street views—fast, free, and easier than ever before.

Browse through the list of administrative regions in West Bank, navigate through these regions to find a place of interest, and book your hotel with the Best Price Guarantee! Your journey through West Bank via Google Satellite Map Sightseeing and Street View starts here.

West Bank Google Maps

To activate Street View on any city of West Bank, drag above the Zoom feature the yellow little man in the map.

Facts about West Bank

Administrative divisions:
Flag description:
Currency code:
Ethnic groups:
Geographic coordinates:
Geography note:
Government type:
Imports partners:
Internet country code:
Land boundaries:
Neighbouring countries:
Map references:
National holiday:
Natural hazards:
Unemployment rate:

Capital of West Bank

[PLACE_CAPITAL] (click to view [PLACE_CAPITAL] map)

Places in West Bank

Browse the most comprehensive and up-to-date online directory of administrative regions and Street Views in West Bank. Our listings are organized alphabetically, starting from level 1 regions and progressing through to level 2 and eventually level 3 regions, ensuring you can easily navigate and find specific areas of interest.

Abū al `Ajāj city Google map
Abū Dīs city Google map
Abū Qashsh city Google map
Abū Shukhaydim city Google map
Ad Duyūk city Google map
Adora city Google map
Al Bīrah city Google map
Al Fandaqūmīyah city Google map
Al Faşā'il city Google map
Al Funduq city Google map
Al Ḩaram ash Sharīf city Google map
Al Hāshimīyah city Google map
Al Jab`ah city Google map
Al Jakhādim city Google map
Al Jāniyah city Google map
Al Jīb city Google map
Al Judayrah city Google map
Al Khalīl city Google map
Al Khiḑr city Google map
Al Laţrūn city Google map
Al Lubban city Google map
Al Maghţis city Google map
Al Makhrūq city Google map
Al Mazra`ah al Qiblīyah city Google map
Al Mazra`ah ash Sharqīyah city Google map
Al Midyah city Google map
Al Mughayyir city Google map
Al Qubaybah city Google map
Al Yāmūn city Google map
Al `Aţţārah city Google map
Al `Awjā' city Google map
Al `Ayzarīyah city Google map
Alfe Menashe city Google map
Allon Shevut city Google map
Almog city Google map
An Nabī Ilyās city Google map
An Nabī Şāliḩ city Google map
An Nabī Şamū'īl city Google map
An Nāqūrah city Google map
An Nazlah al Gharbīyah city Google map
An Nazlah al Wusţá city Google map
An Nazlah ash Sharqīyah city Google map
An Nuway`imah city Google map
Ar Rām city Google map
Ar Rāmah city Google map
Ar Ra's city Google map
Ar Rīḩīyah city Google map
Ar Ru`āh city Google map
Argaman city Google map
Arīḩā city Google map
Ari'el city Google map
Arţās city Google map
As Samū` city Google map
As Sāwiyah city Google map
Ash Shaykh Fāliḩ city Google map
Ash Shaykh `Arūrī city Google map
Ash Shuhadā' city Google map
Ash Shumaysānī city Google map
Ash Shuyūkh city Google map
Aţ Ţayyibah city Google map
Aţ Ţīrah city Google map
Aţ Ţūr city Google map
Aw Şarīn city Google map
Az Zabābidah city Google map
Az Zāwiyah city Google map
Az̧ Z̧āhirīyah city Google map
Balāţah city Google map
Ballūţat Ibrāhīm city Google map
Bal`ā city Google map
Bal`amah city Google map
Banī Na`īm city Google map
Banī Qays city Google map
Bāqah city Google map
Bāqah ash Sharqīyah city Google map
Bardalah city Google map
Barqan city Google map
Battīr city Google map
Battir city Google map
Bayt al Khirbah city Google map
Bayt Awlā city Google map
Bayt Dajan city Google map
Bayt Duqqū city Google map
Bayt Fajjār city Google map
Bayt Fūrīk city Google map
Bayt Ḩamdān al Aḩmad city Google map
Bayt Ḩanīnā city Google map
Bayt Ībā city Google map
Bayt Ijzā city Google map
Bayt Iksā city Google map
Bayt Immar city Google map
Bayt Jālā city Google map
Bayt Kāḩil city Google map
Bayt Laḩm city Google map
Bayt Līd city Google map
Bayt Liqyā city Google map
Bayt Nūbā city Google map
Bayt Qād city Google map
Bayt Rīmā city Google map
Bayt Şafāfā city Google map
Bayt Sāḩūr city Google map
Bayt Sīrā city Google map
Bayt Sūrīk city Google map
Bayt Umrīn city Google map
Bayt Wazan city Google map
Bayt `Abd al Qādir city Google map
Bayt `Inān city Google map
Bayt `Ūr al Fawqā city Google map
Bayt `Ūr at Taḩtā city Google map
Baytā al Fawqā city Google map
Baytā at Taḩtā city Google map
Baytillū city Google map
Baytīn city Google map
Baytūniyā city Google map
Bazzārīyah city Google map
Beqa`ot city Google map
Berakha city Google map
Bet Arye city Google map
Bet El city Google map
Bet El B city Google map
Bet Ha`Arava city Google map
Bet H̱oron city Google map
Bet H̱oron B city Google map
Bet Yattir city Google map
Biddiyā city Google map
Biddū city Google map
Bil`īn city Google map
Bi'r Nabālā city Google map
Bi'r Zayt city Google map
Budrus city Google map
Burhām city Google map
Būrīn city Google map
Burqā city Google map
Burqīn city Google map
Burūqīn city Google map
Canada Park city Google map
Dār Abū Şabḩā city Google map
Dayr Abū Ḑa`īf city Google map
Dayr Abū Mash`al city Google map
Dayr al Ghuşūn city Google map
Dayr al Ḩaţab city Google map
Dayr as Sūdān city Google map
Dayr Ballūţ city Google map
Dayr Dibwān city Google map
Dayr Ghassānah city Google map
Dayr Ghazzālah city Google map
Dayr Ibzī` city Google map
Dayr Istiyā city Google map
Dayr Jarīr city Google map
Dayr Niz̧ām city Google map
Dayr Qiddīs city Google map
Dayr Sharaf city Google map
Dayr `Ammār city Google map
Dhannābah city Google map
Dolev city Google map
Dūmā city Google map
Dūrā city Google map
Dūrā al Qar` city Google map
Efrata city Google map
Elon More city Google map
Elqana city Google map
Elqana D city Google map
El`azar city Google map
Esh Sheikh Jarrāḥ city Google map
Eshkolot city Google map
Faḩmah city Google map
Falāmah city Google map
Faqqū`ah city Google map
Farkhah city Google map
Far`atah city Google map
Firāsīn city Google map
Fir`awn city Google map
Gannim city Google map
Gavri'el city Google map
Gilgal city Google map
Gillo city Google map
Gittit city Google map
Giv`at HaMivtar city Google map
Giv`at H̱oma city Google map
Giv`at Shappira city Google map
Giv`at Ze'ev city Google map
Giv`on city Google map
Giv`on Hadassa B city Google map
Giv`on HaHadasha city Google map
Ḩablah city Google map
Ḩajjah city Google map
Ḩalḩūl city Google map
Har Adar city Google map
Har Gillo city Google map
Ḩāris city Google map
Ḩizmā city Google map
Ḩūsān city Google map
Ḩūwārah city Google map
H̱aggy city Google map
H̱allamish city Google map
H̱amra city Google map
H̱ermesh city Google map
H̱innanit city Google map
H̱omesh city Google map
Idnah city Google map
Ijnisinyā city Google map
Iktābah city Google map
Immātīn city Google map
Irtāḩ city Google map
Iskākā city Google map
Jaba` city Google map
Jalamah city Google map
Jalamat as Siyār city Google map
Jalbūn city Google map
Jalqamūs city Google map
Jālūd city Google map
Jammālah city Google map
Jammā`īn city Google map
Janīn city Google map
Jarbā' city Google map
Jayyūs city Google map
Jībiyā city Google map
Jifnā city Google map
Jiljilīyah city Google map
Jīt city Google map
Judaydah city Google map
Junayd city Google map
Jūrat ash Sham`ah city Google map
Jūrīsh city Google map
Kaddim city Google map
Kafr ad Dīk city Google map
Kafr al Labad city Google map
Kafr Dān city Google map
Kafr Jammāl city Google map
Kafr Lāqif city Google map
Kafr Mālik city Google map
Kafr Ni`mah city Google map
Kafr Qaddūm city Google map
Kafr Qallīl city Google map
Kafr Qūd city Google map
Kafr Rā`ī city Google map
Kafr Rummān city Google map
Kafr Şūr city Google map
Kafr Thulth city Google map
Kafr Zībād city Google map
Kafr `Abbūsh city Google map
Kafr `Aqab city Google map
Kafr `Ayn city Google map
Karme Ẕur city Google map
Karmel city Google map
Kawbar city Google map
Kefar Adummim city Google map
Kefar Na`aran city Google map
Kefar Rut city Google map
Kefar Tappuah city Google map
Kefar `Eẕyon city Google map
Khān al `Askar city Google map
Khārās city Google map
Kharbatā city Google map
Khirbat Abū Falāḩ city Google map
Khirbat Abū Ḩarfīl city Google map
Khirbat Abū Nujaym city Google map
Khirbat ad Dayr city Google map
Khirbat al Ashqar city Google map
Khirbat al Bizrah city Google map
Khirbat al Burj city Google map
Khirbat al Ghaḑbānah city Google map
Khirbat al Ḩafnah city Google map
Khirbat al Ḩammah city Google map
Khirbat al Ḩarazān city Google map
Khirbat al Ḩijrah city Google map
Khirbat al Ḩubaylah city Google map
Khirbat al Jārūshīyah city Google map
Khirbat al Karmah city Google map
Khirbat al Kawm city Google map
Khirbat al Khuljān city Google map
Khirbat al Khuraysah city Google map
Khirbat al Mafjir city Google map
Khirbat al Majd city Google map
Khirbat al Ma`şarah city Google map
Khirbat al Mişbāḩ city Google map
Khirbat al Munqaţi`ah city Google map
Khirbat al Muraşşaş city Google map
Khirbat al Musharraf city Google map
Khirbat al Muţillah city Google map
Khirbat al `Alāwinah city Google map
Khirbat al `Aqrabānīyah city Google map
Khirbat al `Arrūb city Google map
Khirbat al `Awjā' at Taḩtā city Google map
Khirbat an Najjār city Google map
Khirbat an Naşārá city Google map
Khirbat an Natsh city Google map
Khirbat an Nazlah city Google map
Khirbat ar Rashsh al Fawqā city Google map
Khirbat ar Rashsh at Taḩtā city Google map
Khirbat as Sākūt city Google map
Khirbat as Sikkah city Google map
Khirbat ash Shaykh Sa`d city Google map
Khirbat at Tarrāmah city Google map
Khirbat aţ Ţuwayyil city Google map
Khirbat az Zu`rūrah city Google map
Khirbat Badd Fallūḩ city Google map
Khirbat Baqqār city Google map
Khirbat Baţin Abū Liḩyah city Google map
Khirbat Bayt Amīn city Google map
Khirbat Bayt Ḩasan city Google map
Khirbat Bayt Mirsim city Google map
Khirbat Bayt Naşīb al Gharbīyah city Google map
Khirbat Bayt Naşīb ash Sharqīyah city Google map
Khirbat Bayt Sakarīyah city Google map
Khirbat Bayt Ta`mīr city Google map
Khirbat Bayt `Awwā' city Google map
Khirbat Buraydhi`ah city Google map
Khirbat Dayr al `Asal al Fawqā city Google map
Khirbat Dayr al `Asal at Taḩtā city Google map
Khirbat Dayr an Nīl city Google map
Khirbat Dayr ar Rāziḩ city Google map
Khirbat Dūmā city Google map
Khirbat Jamrīn city Google map
Khirbat Jubb ar Rūm city Google map
Khirbat Kafā city Google map
Khirbat Kafr Baytā city Google map
Khirbat Karzah city Google map
Khirbat Kashdah city Google map
Khirbat Kūfīn city Google map
Khirbat Maghārat aḑ Ḑab`ah city Google map
Khirbat Marāḩ Rabbāḩ city Google map
Khirbat Muqaysimah city Google map
Khirbat Muraysh city Google map
Khirbat Muşţafá Abū Jābir city Google map
Khirbat Qays city Google map
Khirbat Qilqis city Google map
Khirbat Rabūḑ city Google map
Khirbat Ra'fāt city Google map
Khirbat Ra's aţ Ţīrah city Google map
Khirbat Ra's `Aţīyah city Google map
Khirbat Ruq`ah city Google map
Khirbat Şafā city Google map
Khirbat Salḩab city Google map
Khirbat Sārah city Google map
Khirbat Şīr city Google map
Khirbat Ţablīyah city Google map
Khirbat Umm ar Rayḩān city Google map
Khirbat Umm aţ Ţal` city Google map
Khirbat Umm Dayminah city Google map
Khirbat Umm Salamūnah city Google map
Khirbat Umm Ţūbá city Google map
Khirbat Umm `Allās city Google map
Khirbat Wādī aḑ Ḑab` city Google map
Khirbat Zaytā city Google map
Khirbat Za`kūkah city Google map
Khirbat Z̧ahr al `Abd city Google map
Khirbat `Abd Allāh al Yūnus city Google map
Khirbat `Abd Allāh Ibrāhīm city Google map
Khirbat `Aqqābah city Google map
Khirbat `Asalah city Google map
Khirbat `Aşīdah city Google map
Khirbat `Aţūf city Google map
Kifār `Aşyūn city Google map
Kifl Ḩārith city Google map
Kokhav HaShaẖar city Google map
Kufayr city Google map
Kufayrāt city Google map
Kūr city Google map
Lido Yehuda city Google map
Lubban ash Sharqīyah city Google map
Mādamā city Google map
Majdal Banī Fāḑil city Google map
Makhfar Kālīyah city Google map
Makkabbim city Google map
Mardah city Google map
Marj Na`jah city Google map
Masḩah city Google map
Mashra` Abū Gharbah city Google map
Maskiyyot city Google map
Massu'a city Google map
Mattityahu city Google map
Maythalūn city Google map
Mazāri` an Nūbānī city Google map
Ma`ale Adummim city Google map
Ma`ale Efrayim city Google map
Ma`ale Levona city Google map
Ma`ale Mikhmas city Google map
Ma`ale Shomeron city Google map
Ma`ale `Amos city Google map
Ma`on city Google map
Meẖola city Google map
Menora city Google map
Mevo Dotan city Google map
Mevo H̱oron city Google map
Mevo Shillo city Google map
Mezad B city Google map
Migdal Oz city Google map
Migdallim city Google map
Mirkah city Google map
Mishor Adummim city Google map
Misilyah city Google map
Miẕpe Shalem city Google map
Miẕpe Yeriẖo city Google map
Mukhmās city Google map
Nābulus city Google map
Naẖal Argaman city Google map
Naẖal Elisha` city Google map
Naẖal Geva`ot city Google map
Naẖal Ginnat city Google map
Naẖal H̱emdat city Google map
Naẖal Kalya city Google map
Naẖal Mekhora city Google map
Naẖal Modi`im city Google map
Naẖal Negohot city Google map
Naẖal Ro`i city Google map
Naẖal Teqoa` city Google map
Naẖal Yaqin city Google map
Naẖal Ẕori city Google map
Naẖal Ẕor`ef city Google map
Naẖal `Irit city Google map
Naẖali'el city Google map
Naḩḩālīn city Google map
Nazlat Abū Nār city Google map
Nazlat `Īsá city Google map
Na`ale city Google map
Netafim city Google map
Netiv HaGedud city Google map
Newe Daniyyel city Google map
Newe Ya`aqov city Google map
Nīfī Ya`qūb city Google map
Nili city Google map
Niran city Google map
Nişf Jubayl city Google map
Ni`līn city Google map
Nofim city Google map
Noqedim city Google map
No`omi city Google map
Nūbā city Google map
Nūr ash Shams city Google map
Ofra city Google map
Oranit city Google map
Pedu'el city Google map
Pesagot city Google map
Peẕa'el city Google map
Pe'erim city Google map
Pisgat Ze'ev city Google map
Qabalān city Google map
Qabāţīyah city Google map
Qaffīn city Google map
Qalandīyah city Google map
Qalqīlyah city Google map
Qalya city Google map
Qalya city Google map
Qarāwat Banī Ḩasan city Google map
Qarāwat Banī Zayd city Google map
Qarne Shomeron city Google map
Qaryūt city Google map
Qaşr `Inab al Kabīr city Google map
Qaţannah city Google map
Qedar city Google map
Qedumim city Google map
Qedumim `Illit city Google map
Qibyā city Google map
Qīrah city Google map
Qiryat Arba` city Google map
Qūşīn city Google map
Quşrah city Google map
Qūzah city Google map
Rābā city Google map
Rāfāt city Google map
Rafīdīyah city Google map
Rām Allāh city Google map
Ramat Eshkol city Google map
Rāmīn city Google map
Rammūn city Google map
Ramot Allon city Google map
Ramot Eshkol city Google map
Rantīs city Google map
Ra's Karkar city Google map
Rehan city Google map
Rimmonim city Google map
Rosh Ẕurim city Google map
Rotem city Google map
Rūjayb city Google map
Rummānah city Google map
Sa Nur city Google map
Sabasţīyah city Google map
Şaffā city Google map
Saffārīn city Google map
Salfīt city Google map
Sālim city Google map
Sal`it city Google map
Sannīrīyah city Google map
Şānūr city Google map
Şarrah city Google map
Şarţah city Google map
Şaydā city Google map
Shabtīn city Google map
Shadmot Mehola city Google map
Shaqed city Google map
Sharafāt city Google map
Shave Shomeron city Google map
Sha`are Tiqwa city Google map
Shilat city Google map
Shūfah city Google map
Shuqbā city Google map
Shuwaykah city Google map
Shu`afat city Google map
Shu`fāţ city Google map
Sīlat al Ḩārithīyah city Google map
Sīlat az̧ Z̧ahr city Google map
Silwād city Google map
Silwān city Google map
Sinjil city Google map
Şīr city Google map
Sīrīs city Google map
Si`īr city Google map
Şūr Bāhir city Google map
Surdā city Google map
Şūrīf city Google map
Suseya city Google map
Taffūḩ city Google map
Talfīt city Google map
Tall city Google map
Ţallūzā city Google map
Talmon B city Google map
Talmon C city Google map
Ţammūn city Google map
Tarqūmiyah city Google map
Tayāsīr city Google map
Telem city Google map
Tilfīt city Google map
Ti`innik city Google map
Tomer city Google map
Ţūbās city Google map
Ţūlkarm city Google map
Ţūrah al Gharbīyah city Google map
Ţūrah ash Sharqīyah city Google map
Turmus `Ayyā city Google map
Ūdalah city Google map
Umm at Tūt city Google map
Umm Şafā' city Google map
Wādī Fūkīn city Google map
Wered Yeriẖo city Google map
Yabrūd city Google map
Yafit city Google map
Yālū city Google map
Yānūn city Google map
Yaqqir city Google map
Yāşīd city Google map
Yāsūf city Google map
Yatmā city Google map
Yaţţah city Google map
Yattir city Google map
Ya`arit city Google map
Ya`bad city Google map
Yefe Nof city Google map
Yitav city Google map
Yiẕhar city Google map
Yo'ezer city Google map
Zawātā city Google map
Zāwiyah city Google map
Zaytā city Google map
Za`tarah city Google map
Zibdah city Google map
Zohar city Google map
Zoref B city Google map
Zubūbā city Google map
Zufin city Google map
Z̧ahrat Zayn ad Dīn city Google map
`Ābūd city Google map
`Abwayn city Google map
`Ajjah city Google map
`Ajjūl city Google map
`Almon city Google map
`Ammūriyah city Google map
`Anabtā city Google map
`Anātā city Google map
`Ānīn city Google map
`Anzah city Google map
`Aqqābah city Google map
`Aqrabah city Google map
`Arabbūnah city Google map
`Araqah city Google map
`Arrābah city Google map
`Arrānah city Google map
`Ārūrah city Google map
`Aşīrah al Qiblīyah city Google map
`Aşīrah ash Shamālīyah city Google map
`Askar city Google map
`Aţārūt city Google map
`Ateret city Google map
`Aţţārah city Google map
`Attīl city Google map
`Awartā city Google map
`Ayn Qīniyā city Google map
`Ayn Sīniyā city Google map
`Ayn Yabrūd city Google map
`Ayn `Arīk city Google map
`Aynābūs city Google map
`Azmūţ city Google map
`Azzūn city Google map
`Ein Fashkha city Google map
`Eli city Google map
`Enav city Google map
`Ez Efrayim city Google map
`Illār city Google map
`Immanu`el city Google map
`Imwās city Google map
`Irāq Būrīn city Google map
`Islah city Google map
`Izbat aţ Ţabīb city Google map
`Otni'el city Google map
`Ūrīf city Google map
אריאל city Google map
בית ג'אלה city Google map
בית לחם city Google map
ג'נין city Google map
חברון city Google map
טולכרם city Google map
יריחו city Google map
מעלה אדומים city Google map
סלפית city Google map
קלקיליה city Google map
רמאללה city Google map
שׁכם city Google map
أريحا city Google map
الخليل city Google map
بيت جالا city Google map
بيت لحم city Google map
جنين city Google map
رام الله city Google map
سلفيت city Google map
طولكرم city Google map
قلقيلية city Google map
نابلس city Google map

Random cities in West Bank

[PLACE_CAPITAL], the capital city of West Bank.

Link to West Bank Google Maps page

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This West Bank map is intended solely for informational purposes. No representations or warranties are made concerning its accuracy or reliability. Users assume all risks associated with the use of Google Maps and Google Driving Directions. World Route Planner is not liable for any losses or delays that may occur from using this free West Bank map.