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Flag of Palau Republic of Palau Google Maps and Facts

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Palau Google Maps

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Facts about Palau

Administrative divisions: 16 states; Aimeliik , Airai , Angaur , Hatohobei , Kayangel , Koror , Melekeok , Ngaraard , Ngarchelong , Ngardmau , Ngatpang , Ngchesar , Ngeremlengui , Ngiwal , Peleliu , Sonsorol
Area: total: 458 sq km land: 458 sq km water: 0 sq km
Background: After three decades as part of the UN Trust Territory of the Pacific under US administration , this westernmost cluster of the Caroline Islands opted for independence in 1978 rather than join the Federated States of Micronesia. A Compact of Free Association with the US was approved in 1986 , but not ratified until 1993. It entered into force the following year , when the islands gained independence.
Flag description: light blue with a large yellow disk (representing the moon) shifted slightly to the hoist side
Capital: name: Melekeok geographic coordinates: 7 29 N , 134 38 E time difference: UTC+9 (14 hours ahead of Washington , DC during Standard Time)
Climate: tropical; hot and humid; wet season May to November
Currency code: US dollar (USD)
Ethnic groups: Palauan (Micronesian with Malayan and Melanesian admixtures) 69.9% , Filipino 15.3% , Chinese 4.9% , other Asian 2.4% , white 1.9% , Carolinian 1.4% , other Micronesian 1.1% , other or unspecified 3.2% (2000 census)
Geographic coordinates: 7 30 N , 134 30 E
Geography note: westernmost archipelago in the Caroline chain , consists of six island groups totaling more than 300 islands; includes World War II battleground of Beliliou (Peleliu) and world-famous rock islands
Government type: constitutional government in free association with the US; the Compact of Free Association entered into force 1 October 1994
Imports partners: US , Singapore , Japan , South Korea (2006)
Internet country code: .pw
Land boundaries: 1 ,519 km
Neighbouring countries: 0 km
Languages: Palauan 64.7% official in all islands except Sonsoral (Sonsoralese and English are official) , Tobi (Tobi and English are official) , and Angaur (Angaur , Japanese , and English are official) , Filipino 13.5% , English 9.4% , Chinese 5.7% , Carolinian 1.5% , Japanese 1.5% , other Asian 2.3% , other languages 1.5% (2000 census)
Location: Oceania , group of islands in the North Pacific Ocean , southeast of the Philippines
Map references: Oceania
National holiday: Constitution Day , 9 July (1979)
Nationality: noun: Palauan(s) adjective: Palauan
Natural hazards: typhoons (June to December)
Population: 21 ,093 (July 2008 est.)
Religions: Roman Catholic 41.6% , Protestant 23.3% , Modekngei 8.8% (indigenous to Palau) , Seventh-Day Adventist 5.3% , Jehovah's Witness 0.9% , Latter-Day Saints 0.6% , other 3.1% , unspecified or none 16.4% (2000 census)
Terrain: varying geologically from the high , mountainous main island of Babelthuap to low , coral islands usually fringed by large barrier reefs
Unemployment rate: 4.2% (2005 est.)

Capital of Republic of Palau

Koror (click to view Koror map)

Places in Palau

Browse the most comprehensive and up-to-date online directory of administrative regions and Street Views in Palau. Our listings are organized alphabetically, starting from level 1 regions and progressing through to level 2 and eventually level 3 regions, ensuring you can easily navigate and find specific areas of interest.

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Random cities in Palau

Koror, the capital city of Palau.

Link to Palau Google Maps page

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