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Flag of Seychelles Republic of Seychelles Google Maps and Facts

Welcome to the Google Maps of Seychelles (SC) and the comprehensive location list for this country. World Route Planner, together with its detailed Seychelles page, turns Google Maps Sightseeing into a meaningful experience! Our extensive destination gazetteer, coupled with Driving Directions to Seychelles, allows you to explore Seychelles through detailed satellite imagery and street views—fast, free, and easier than ever before.

Browse through the list of administrative regions in Seychelles, navigate through these regions to find a place of interest, and book your hotel with the Best Price Guarantee! Your journey through Seychelles via Google Satellite Map Sightseeing and Street View starts here.

Seychelles Google Maps

To activate Street View on any city of Seychelles, drag above the Zoom feature the yellow little man in the map.

Facts about Seychelles

Administrative divisions: 23 administrative districts; Anse aux Pins , Anse Boileau , Anse Etoile , Anse Louis , Anse Royale , Baie Lazare , Baie Sainte Anne , Beau Vallon , Bel Air , Bel Ombre , Cascade , Glacis , Grand' Anse (on Mahe) , Grand' Anse (on Praslin) , La Digue , La Riviere Anglaise , Mont Buxton , Mont Fleuri , Plaisance , Pointe La Rue , Port Glaud , Saint Louis , Takamaka
Area: total: 455 sq km land: 455 sq km water: 0 sq km
Background: A lengthy struggle between France and Great Britain for the islands ended in 1814 , when they were ceded to the latter. Independence came in 1976. Socialist rule was brought to a close with a new constitution and free elections in 1993. President France-Albert RENE , who had served since 1977 , was re-elected in 2001 , but stepped down in 2004. Vice President James MICHEL took over the presidency and in July 2006 was elected to a new five-year term.
Flag description: five oblique bands of blue (hoist side) , yellow , red , white , and green (bottom) radiating from the bottom of the hoist side
Capital: name: Victoria geographic coordinates: 4 38 S , 55 27 E time difference: UTC+4 (9 hours ahead of Washington , DC during Standard Time)
Climate: tropical marine; humid; cooler season during southeast monsoon (late May to September); warmer season during northwest monsoon (March to May)
Currency code:
Ethnic groups: mixed French , African , Indian , Chinese , and Arab
Geographic coordinates: 4 35 S , 55 40 E
Geography note: 41 granitic and about 75 coralline islands
Government type: republic
Imports partners: Saudi Arabia 17% , Germany 10.4% , France 7.9% , Spain 7.4% , South Africa 6.2% , Singapore 5.6% (2007)
Internet country code: .sc
Land boundaries: 491 km
Neighbouring countries: 0 km
Languages: Creole 91.8% , English 4.9% (official) , other 3.1% , unspecified 0.2% (2002 census)
Location: archipelago in the Indian Ocean , northeast of Madagascar
Map references: Africa
National holiday: Constitution Day (National Day) , 18 June (1993)
Nationality: noun: Seychellois (singular and plural) adjective: Seychellois
Natural hazards: lies outside the cyclone belt , so severe storms are rare; short droughts possible
Population: 82 ,247 (July 2008 est.)
Religions: Roman Catholic 82.3% , Anglican 6.4% , Seventh Day Adventist 1.1% , other Christian 3.4% , Hindu 2.1% , Muslim 1.1% , other non-Christian 1.5% , unspecified 1.5% , none 0.6% (2002 census)
Terrain: Mahe Group is granitic , narrow coastal strip , rocky , hilly; others are coral , flat , elevated reefs
Unemployment rate: 2% (2006 est.)

Capital of Republic of Seychelles

Victoria (click to view Victoria map)

Places in Seychelles

Browse the most comprehensive and up-to-date online directory of administrative regions and Street Views in Seychelles. Our listings are organized alphabetically, starting from level 1 regions and progressing through to level 2 and eventually level 3 regions, ensuring you can easily navigate and find specific areas of interest.

Anse aux Pins city Google Maps
Anse Boileau (2 Google Maps locations)
Anse Etoile city Google Maps
Anse Royale (1 Google Maps locations)
Au Cap city Google Maps
Baie Lazare city Google Maps
Baie Sainte Anne (1 Google Maps locations)
Beau Vallon city Google Maps
Bel Air city Google Maps
Bel Ombre (1 Google Maps locations)
Cascade (1 Google Maps locations)
English River (1 Google Maps locations)
Glacis (1 Google Maps locations)
Grand Anse Mahe city Google Maps
Grand Anse Praslin city Google Maps
Inner Islands (1 Google Maps locations)
Les Mamelles city Google Maps
Misere city Google Maps
Mont Buxton city Google Maps
Mont Fleuri city Google Maps
Plaisance city Google Maps
Pointe Larue city Google Maps
Port Glaud (1 Google Maps locations)
Roche Caiman city Google Maps
Saint Louis city Google Maps
Takamaka (1 Google Maps locations)
Victoria city Google Maps

Random cities in Seychelles

Victoria, the capital city of Seychelles.

Link to Seychelles Google Maps page

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